
Van Stone Flanges

July 17, 2017

ATS, Inc. is proud to announce the addition of Van Stone flanges to its innovative Firesafe™ & StaticSafe™ lines of FRP duct systems.

Van Stone flanges are a labor saving method for connecting duct and duct related fittings. They consist of a facing flange that is integral to the ends of the duct and backing flange rings which are slipped over the outside of the duct ends prior to forming the facing flange. Prior to making the connection, a gasket is placed between the 2 facing flanges, the flange backing rings are slid into position against the backs of the facing flanges, the flanges are rotated to align the bolt holes and the joint is sealed by tightening the nuts and bolts, pressing flange faces together, compressing the gasket tight into the flange faces.

ATS has developed the technique for producing a flush & true structural FRP facing flange on ducts up to 50” diameter. The facing flange O.D. matches the ID of the inner bolt hole circle, so that when the bolts are connected through the holes in the flanges, they align the facing flanges for a perfectly sealed joint connection. See ATS installation instructions for gasket width and torque requirements by diameter to achieve 15 in negative water column (3733 Pa, 0.541 psi).